Enrolment options

Through stakeholder engagement, the NSW Office for Health and Medical Research identified the need to develop a Pharmaceuticals Preparation Policy, associated procedures and training frameworks to improve the advanced therapeutics supply chain as clinicians, researchers and industry are increasingly demanding these products.  AdPha developed a dedicated education package in partnership with the Ministry of Health to support the understanding and implementation of the Pharmaceuticals Preparation Policy.  The Preparation of pharmaceutical and advanced therapeutic products governance education package is designed to meet the needs of all staff involved in the application of the Policy Directive in practice.

Advanced therapeutic products are rapidly becoming available and the number and complexity of products required to be prepared by pharmacists in NSW public health facilities will see a substantial increase. The Policy Directive for Preparation of pharmaceuticals and advanced therapeutic products provides guidance to all Directors of Pharmacy, Directors of Nursing and Midwifery, Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy (BMT/CT) Laboratory Medical Directors, Directors of Clinical Governance, NSW Health Pathology and all relevant staff on preparing aseptically and non-aseptically prepared products to standards that are of a high quality, are safe, and are made in compliance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth), Poisons and Therapeutics Goods Act 1966 (NSW), National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 (Cth),  Gene Technology Act 2000 (Cth), and comply with professional practice and other standards.

The Preparation of pharmaceutical and advanced therapeutic products governance education package comprises 6hrs of accredited content across 13 topics.

To register for this course - please visit the AdPha website HERE. 

Self enrolment (Student)