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Who are we?

The Paediatrics and Neonatology Specialty Practice Group is a network of SHPA members who work in any inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings where infants and children receive pharmacy services, including paediatric intensive care, neonatal intensive care and special care nurseries. Some work in dedicated children's hospitals, some in maternity hospitals and some in general hospitals that treat paediatric patients.

We may be generalist paediatric or neonatology pharmacists, or we may specialise in oncology, cardiology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, medication safety or many other paediatric subspecialties.

Why join?

Join the Paediatrics and Neonatology Specialty Practice Group if you want to access our network of experts and peers through the Paediatrics and Neonatology Specialty Practice Group forum. You may have a question about dosing in particular conditions or age groups, or access to unusual  medications to treat rare paediatric conditions, or interested whether particular services or models of care are appropriate in a paediatric or neonatology setting, You don’t need to specialise in paediatrics or neonatology to join the Paediatrics and Neonatology Specialty Practice Group.

Communities, a new purpose-built platform for Specialty Practice, is coming. Access Specialty Practice via your SHPA Dashboard (shpa.org.au/dashboard) page.

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