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The majority of Australians now have the choice of receiving an electronic prescription instead of a paper one and will soon have the option to register for an Active Script List (ASL). Over 6 million electronic prescriptions and repeat prescriptions have already been generated by prescribers and community pharmacies across Australia. Patients may now be using a range of different methods for managing their electronic prescriptions through their community pharmacies, including use of consumer apps. Further revisions to the electronic prescribing technical framework means that hospital EMM and EMR providers are progressing their software development to be able to offer ePrescriptions for outpatient, discharge and emergency department patients who can then get their hospital ePrescriptions dispensed at their community pharmacy. This webinar will cover ePrescription concepts and provide examples to support hospital pharmacists as this new technology becomes more widespread through both public and private hospitals. The Australian Digital Health Agency’s speakers will provide you with an overview of the rollout of electronic prescriptions to date and share insights into what functionality may be made available to hospitals in the future. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.

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